Eyelash Serum + Eyelash Extensions - UKLASH

Eyelash Serum + Eyelash Extensions

Listen up baes, no doubt you’ve got killer eyelash extensions and they rock but you dread taking them off…right? We know, we’ve been there, each one of us has had sets of long, full and fluttery eyelash extensions for months on end, with infills every few weeks and not one of us wanted to remove them. After all, when you’ve got beautiful lashes, you wanna keep ‘em – right? They’re easy, there’s no mascara-mess, you wake up looking beaut and you’re always insta-ready. Thing is, if you don’t remove them every few months, your natural lashes get kinda salty…they break, they stop growing and in some places, OMG there are BALD areas?!

Let Your Lashes Breathe…

So what’s a gal to do? Firstly, you have to remove them every few months to give your natural lashes some breathing space. Yes, you will probably find there’s some damage, those eyelash extensions may slay but they take their toll. Can you minimise the damage? Yaaaas! You should really take lots of care of your eyelashes, whether you’ve got extensions on or not. The best way to do this is with UKLASH serum. Wait – you thought you couldn’t use eyelash serum with eyelash extensions? Wronnnnggg! You so can.

Lashes with Muscle!

UKLASH is created for babes with eyelash extensions (and without) because it strengthens eyelashes while lengthening and adding volume too. So, to stop the weight of extensions literally holding your lashes down and to fight against nasty glue (which gives lashes added strain) using this serum every night will give every lash extra “muscle”. When your natural lashes are stronger, they don’t care about the heaviness of falsies, in fact, they’re happy lashes because they’re fierce!

You want longer, fuller lashes right? That’s why you wear lash extensions. When you add in UK LASH to your beauty routine every night, you get your own natural long, full lashes and that means you can literally grow your own. Maybe you could even bin the lash extensions when you feel you’ve reached your eyelash goals! We’re talking up to 55% longer and 70% fuller lashes when you use UKLASH. When you do come to remove your lashes you’ll be like totes stoked with the results, you might not even want to put your extensions back in.

Longer Life Extensions

One other thing to mention. When you use UK LASH on your eyelash root you prolong the life of natural lashes with extensions because of the extra strength you add. Your eyelashes hold onto the extensions for longer so actually, you might find you don’t need as many infill appointments. WIN WIN.

Next time someone tells you that you can’t use eyelash serum with extensions be like, SMH, I’m reaching my lash goals with UKLASH, just saying!

Lashes of Love,
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